Fern Slim is manufactured by DSM Sweden exclusively for FERN, Inc. It contains Fabuless. It is the No. 1 weight management product in the US and Europe. Fabuless is ideal for both dairy applications, where it also delivers textural benefits such as improved mouthfeel and creaminess, and in single serve dosages as a ‘dietary supplement’. Dairy products containing Fabuless are already enjoying success in the USA (SlimShot), in Italy (ActifControl by Latteria Merano) and in Portugal (by Lactogal, as part of its Adagio range of healthy dairy concepts). Campina’s ‘Optimel Control’ in the Netherlands and ‘Optiwell Control’ in Germany and Austria are also enjoying significant success. The Fabuless single serve concept has also been successfully introduced in a large number of countries, including the France and Spain (Slim 10/10), Germany and Italy (SlimCup) and Scandinavia (ProAim). Now it is already available here in the Philippines, through FERN Slim.